WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pleasure in recognizing Stephanie Abraham Hirsh on the occasion of her retirement from the Richardson Independent School District Board of Trustees after nine years of exceptional service; and WHEREAS, Since being elected to the board of trustees in 1996, Dr. Hirsh has demonstrated extraordinary dedication and commitment to the students and parents in the Richardson Independent School District community; and WHEREAS, Stephanie earned a doctoral degree in education, specializing in curriculum and instruction, and a master's degree in education administration from the University of North Texas; she began working in the Richardson Independent School District as a classroom teacher in 1975, and she has held a number of leadership positions in the district; and WHEREAS, Dr. Hirsh has been the deputy executive director of the National Staff Development Council, a nonprofit association that focuses on school improvement and staff development, since 2000; she had served with the council as associate executive director for two years; and WHEREAS, She is the coauthor of three manuals published by the National Staff Development Council, and she has published articles in a variety of educational publications; she serves on several advisory boards, including the National High School Alliance and the National Partnership for Quality After School Learning; she has been an outstanding leader in civic and religious organizations; and WHEREAS, The Richardson Independent School District and public education in Texas have benefited significantly from the expertise and guidance of Stephanie Hirsh, who generously contributed her time, talent, and resources; her confident leadership on the school district's board of trustees will be greatly missed; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby commend Stephanie Abraham Hirsh for her many contributions to the Richardson Independent School District and the educational system of this state and extend to her best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for her as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate. Shapiro ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on June 29, 2005. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate