Austin, Texas
July 12, 2005

Honorable Jane Nelson, Chair, Senate Committee on Health & Human Services
John S. O'Brien, Deputy Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB19 by Lucio (Relating to a risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes and the creation of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee.), As Introduced

Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for SB19, As Introduced: a negative impact of ($667,982) through the biennium ending August 31, 2007.

Fiscal Year Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds
2006 ($329,566)
2007 ($338,416)
2008 ($347,709)
2009 ($357,466)
2010 ($367,771)

Fiscal Year Probable Revenue Gain/(Loss) from
Change in Number of State Employees from FY 2005
2006 ($329,566) 2.0
2007 ($338,416) 2.0
2008 ($347,709) 2.0
2009 ($357,466) 2.0
2010 ($367,771) 2.0

Fiscal Analysis

The bill relates to a risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes and the creation of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee. The bill would amend Chapter 95 of the Health and Safety Code by adding new sections to the code, as well as amend other sections of the code. The bill would require the Texas-Mexico Border Health Coordination Office of the University of Texas - Pan American to administer a risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes. The bill would require that the office submit to the Governor, the Legislature and the advisory committee, not later than January 15 of each odd-numbered year, a report concerning the effectiveness of the risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes. 

The bill would require the Texas Diabetes Council to establish the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee to advise the Texas-Mexico Border Health Coordination Office of the University of Texas - Pan American on the Type 2 diabetes risk assessment program. 

Under the bill's provisions, the office would be allowed to accept gifts, grants and donations to support the Type 2 diabetes risk assessment program.

The bill would repeal Subdivision (6) Section 95.001, Health and Safety Code, as added by Chapter 1465, Acts of the 77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001. Upon enactment the bill would take effect September 1, 2005.


The University of Texas - Pan American indicates that two additional FTEs would be needed to implement the provisions of the bill. The estimated cost would be $71,347 each year for salaries and benefits in FY 2006-2010. Other estimated costs would include $22,000 for travel and $155,000 for other operating expenses in FY 2006 increasing each year to $26,741 for travel expenses and $188,404 for other operating expenses in FY 2010. Other operating expenses would include equipment costs for measurement tools for school nurses. (According to the university, the operating and travel expense estimates reflect an estimated 5% growth rate in the number of students evaluated.)  The estimated cost would be $60,000 each year for equipment such as blood pressure units and overweight assessment tools in FY 2006-2010. Total estimated cost would be $329,566 in FY 2006 and $338,416 in FY 2007.  

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) indicates that the agency would incur minimal costs associated with the staff time needed to support the Texas Diabetes Council's implementation of the advisory committee and the materials for the advisory committee meetings and communications. It is assumed that any costs that DSHS would incur associated with the implementation of the bill's provisions would be absorbed within the agency's existing resources.   


The UT System assumes that the current web-based Risk Factor Electronic System would be used for the Type 2 diabetes risk assessment program.

Local Government Impact

Under the provisions of the bill, it is assumed that public and private schools in 11 educational service center regions would be responsible for providing the "risk assessment" information at designated times, document information, handle exemption forms, report findings to parents in writing, report information about students identified as at risk, and submit an annual report electronically or on a prescribed form. These 11schools currently participate in a similar program.

Source Agencies:
537 Department of State Health Services, 720 The University of Texas System Administration
LBB Staff: