Floor Packet Page No. 96                                                    


Amend CSHB 2 on page 133, between lines 14 and 15, by 

inserting the following appropriately numbered section to Part 2C 

of the bill and renumbering the subsequent sections of the bill 


	SECTION 2C.__.  Subchapter Z, Chapter 25, Education Code, is 

amended by adding Section 25.902 to read as follows:


METHODS PROHIBITED.  (a)  In this section, "radio frequency 

identification technology" means a wireless identification system 

that uses an electromagnetic radio frequency signal to transmit 

data between a card, badge, or tag and another device without 

physical contact.

	(b)  A school district may not require a student to use an 

identification device that uses radio frequency identification 

technology or similar technology to identify the student, transmit 

information regarding the student, or track the location of the 

student, except that a district may require a student to use an 

identification device if the device is used only to provide for the 

ingress or egress of the student.

	(c)  A school district that permits the voluntary use of a 

student identification device described by Subsection (b) shall 

provide an alternative method of identification for a student if 

the student's parent or guardian submits timely written objection 

to the use of radio frequency identification technology.