Floor Packet Page No. 75                                                    

	Amend CSHB 2 (House committee printing) as follows:                          

(1)  In Part B, Article 2, of the bill (page 117, between 	lines 10 and 11), insert the following appropriately numbered 

section and renumber the subsequent sections of Part B, Article 2 


	SECTION 2B.__.  Section 7.111, Education Code, is amended by 

amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (a-1) and (c) to 

read as follows:

	(a-1)  A person is not required to withdraw from school in 

order to take the high school equivalency examination.

	(b)  The board by rule shall establish and require payment of 

a fee as a condition to the issuance of a high school equivalency 

certificate and a copy of the scores of the examinations.  The fee 

must be reasonable and designed to cover the administrative costs 

of issuing the certificate and a copy of the scores.  [The board may 

not require a waiting period between the date a person withdraws 

from school and the date the person takes the examination unless the 

period relates to the time between administrations of the 


	(c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b), the board by rule shall 

allow a person to take the high school equivalency examination on 

one occasion at state cost.

	(2)  In SECTION 2D.30 of the bill, in added Section 

39.113(b), Education Code (page 186, line 21), strike "and".

	(3)  In SECTION 2D.30 of the bill, in added Section 

39.113(b), Education Code (page 186, between lines 21 and 22), 

insert the following:

		(5)  improvements in student scores on high school 

equivalency examinations; and

	(4)  In SECTION 2D.30 of the bill, in added Section 

39.113(b), Education Code (page 186, line 22), strike "(5)" and 

substitute "(6)".