Floor Packet Page No. 70                                                    


Amend CSHB 2 in Part A, Article 2 of the bill (House Committee 

Printing) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTION 

and renumbering the subsequent SECTIONS of Part A accordingly:

	SECTION 2A.__. Section 814.103, Government Code, is amended 

to read as follows: 


SERVICE. (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this section 

[Subsection (b)], the standard service retirement annuity for 

service credited in the elected class of membership is an amount 

equal to the number of years of service credit in that class, times 

two percent of the state salary, as adjusted from time to time, 

being paid a district judge.

	(b)  The standard service retirement annuity for service 

credited in the elected class computed under Subsection (a) may not 

exceed at any time 100 percent of the state salary being paid a 

district judge.

	(c)  The standard service retirement annuity for service 

credited in the elected class by a person for service as a member of 

the legislature is an amount equal to the number of years of service 

credit in that class times two percent of the statewide average 

salary being paid a teacher in a public school.

	(d)  The standard service retirement annuity for service 

credited in the elected class computed under Subsection (c) may not 

exceed at any time 100 percent of the statewide average salary being 

paid a teacher in a public school.

	(e)  The board of trustees shall annually determine the 

statewide average salary being paid a teacher in a public school for 

purposes of Subsections (c) and (d). The Teacher Retirement System 

of Texas and the Texas Education Agency shall provide, at the 

request of the board of trustees, any information or assistance the 

board of trustees requires to make the determination required by 

this subsection.