Floor Packet Page No. 113                                                   


Amend CSHB 2 (House committee printing) as follows:                          

	(1)  On page 197, line 17, strike "alternative management" 

and substitute "whole school redesign".

	(2)  On page 198, line 24, strike "alternative management" 

and substitute "whole school redesign".

	(3)  On page 199, line 2, strike "alternative management" and 

substitute "whole school redesign".

	(4)  On page 199, line 6, strike "alternative management" and 

substitute "whole school redesign".

	(5)  On page 199, line 19, strike "MANAGEMENT" and substitute 


	(6)  On page 199, lines 22-23, strike "alternative 

management under Section 39.1323(e) or (f)" and substitute "whole 

school redesign under this subchapter".

	(7)  Strike page 199, line 24, through page 203, line 3, and 

substitute the following:

	(b)  If the commissioner determines that the basis for 

identifying the campus as academically unacceptable is limited to a 

specific condition that may be remedied with targeted technical 

assistance from the agency, the commissioner:

		(1)  may provide the campus a one-year waiver under 

this section; and

		(2)  shall provide the appropriate technical 

assistance to remedy the specific condition.

	(c)  The commissioner shall require the board of trustees of 

a school district that includes a campus identified as academically 

unacceptable to develop a whole school redesign plan to correct the 

instructional program at the campus and to improve student 

performance.  The commissioner shall provide technical assistance 

in developing the whole school redesign plan.

	(d)  A whole school redesign plan shall implement 

research-based methods demonstrated to enhance student achievement 

and, at a minimum, shall:

		(1)  prohibit instructional class sizes of more than 10 

students for each teacher; and

		(2)  require each classroom teacher assigned to the 

campus to:       

			(A)  have at least two years of teaching 


			(B)  be appropriately certified for all assigned 

subjects; and      

			(C)  meet the requirements of a highly qualified 

teacher as provided by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub. L. 

No. 107-110).

	(e)  For purposes of Subsection (d)(2)(B), a classroom 

teacher is not appropriately certified if the teacher is an 

"inappropriately certified or uncertified teacher" as defined by 

Section 21.057.

	(8)  On page 208, lines 17-18, strike "the managing entities 

under" and substitute "a campus subject to".