Floor Packet Page No. 115                                                   


Amend CSHB 2 as follows:                                                     

	(1)  In SECTION 2E.20 of the bill, in added Section 

31.0251(b), Education Code (House Committee Report, page 229, line 

25, through page 230, line 2), strike Subdivisions (2) and (3) and 

substitute the following:

		(2)  determine whether the essential knowledge and 

skills identified in the submission are covered in the student 

version of the instructional material, as well as in the teacher 

version of the instructional material; and

		(3)  identify the degree to which the student version 

of the instructional material, as well as the teacher version of the 

instructional material, each complies with the essential knowledge 

and skills.

	(2)  In SECTION 2E.20 of the bill, in added Section 

31.0253(b), Education Code (House Committee Report, page 230, lines 

23-25), strike "the instructional material does not contain the 

essential knowledge and skills identified by the publisher" and 

substitute "the student version of the instructional material, as 

well as the teacher version of the instructional material, do not 

each contain the essential knowledge and skills identified by the 


	(3)  In SECTION 2E.20 of the bill, in added Section 

31.0253(b), Education Code (House Committee Report, page 230, line 

27), between "covers" and the period, insert "in both the student 

and teacher versions of the instructional material".