Amend HB 13 (House committee report) as follows:                             

	(1)  On page 31, line 18, between "subscribers" and the 

period, insert:

	in those service areas in which the provider is not regulated 

as a cable system under federal law

	(2)  Strike Section 25 of the bill (page 33, line 10, through 

page 34, line 15) and renumber subsequent sections accordingly.

	(3)  On page 66, lines 12-13, strike "The holder of a 

state-issued certificate of franchise authority" and substitute 

"All cable service providers and all video service providers".

	(4)  On page 67, line 16, between "later" and the underscored 

colon, insert:

	,and thereafter as provided by Subdivisions (1) and (2)                 

	(5)  On page 68, line 1, strike "until January 1, 2008, after 

which" and substitute:

	.  Beginning on January 1, 2008, or the expiration of the 

franchise agreement, whichever is later,