Amend HB 13 as follows:                                                      

	(1)  In the portion of SECTION 27 of the bill that adds new 

Section 66.004(a), Utilities Code (page 63, line 2, house committee 

report), strike "(b) and (c)" and substitute "(b), (c), and (d)"

	(2)  Following the portion of SECTION 27 of the bill that adds 

new Section 66.004(a) Utilities Code (on page 63, between lines 2 

and 3, house committee report), add the following new subsection 

(b) and reletter subsequent subsections accordingly:

	"(b)  Any cable or video service provider with an existing 

franchise that complies with this chapter may elect to terminate an 

existing franchise beginning January 1, 2008.  A cable or video 

service provider that elects to terminate an existing franchise 

shall provide written notice of such election to the commission and 

the affected municipality.  The termination date of the municipal 

franchise shall be the date the commission issues a state-issued 

certificate of franchise authority.  The termination date under 

this subsection shall be considered to be the expiration date of the 

franchise for purposes of this chapter."

	(3)  At the end of the portion of SECTION 27 of the bill that 

adds new Section 66.004(f), Utilities Code (page 65, line 11, house 

committee report), add the following language following 


	"Nothing contained in this subsection shall be deemed to 

abrogate, nullify or affect the authority granted to an existing 

cable or video service provider under Subsections (b) and (c) to 

elect to terminate an existing franchise or to otherwise abrogate, 

nullify, or affect the terms or conditions, including the 

expiration date, of an existing franchise."