Amend SB 7 as follows:
Strike Section 2206.001 subsection (b) and insert in lieu
thereof a new subsection (b) to read as follows:
(b) A governmental or private entity may not take private
property through the use of eminent domain if the taking:
(1) confers a private benefit on a particular private
party through the use of the property, except to the extent
necessary to accomplish the secondary purpose described in part (3)
of this subsection;
(2) is for a public use that is merely a pretext to
confer a private benefit on a particular private party;
(3) is for economic development purposes, unless the
economic development is a secondary purpose resulting from
municipal community development or municipal urban renewal
activities under Chapter 373 or 374, Local Government Code, or
Section 311.005(a)(1)(I), Tax Code, to eliminate an existing
affirmative harm on society from slum or blighted areas;, or
Chapter 311, Tax Code, to eliminate the conditions described in
Section 311.005(a)(1)(I) of the Tax Code.