Amend SB 7 as follows:                                                       

	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, following the semicolon at the 

end of proposed Subsection (b)(2), Section 2206.001, Government 

Code, (page 1, line 29, committee printing) insert "or".

	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, proposed Subsection (b)(3), 

Section 2206.001, Government Code, (page 1, line 35, committee 

printing) strike "; or" and substitute ".".

	(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike proposed Subsection 

(b)(4), Section 2206.001, Government Code, (page 1, lines 36-40, 

committee printing).

	(4)  Add a new appropriately numbered section to the bill to 

read as follows and renumber the existing sections as appropriate:

	SECTION __.  Section 203.052, Transportation Code, as 

amended by H.B. No. 2702, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular 

Session, 2005, is amended by amending Subsection (b) to read as 


	(b)  Property necessary or convenient to a state highway for 

purposes of Subsection (a) includes an interest in real property, a 

property right, or a material that the commission determines is 

necessary or convenient to:

		(1)  protect a state highway;                                                 

		(2)  drain a state highway;                                                   

		(3)  divert a stream, river, or other watercourse from 

the right-of-way of a state highway;

		(4)  store materials or equipment for use or used in the 

construction or maintenance of a state highway;

		(5)  construct or operate a warehouse or other facility 

used in connection with the construction, maintenance, or operation 

of a state highway;

		(6)  lay out, construct, or maintain a roadside park;                         

		(7)  lay out, construct, or maintain a parking lot that 

will contribute to maximum use of a state highway with the least 

possible congestion;

		(8)  mitigate an adverse environmental effect that 

directly results from construction or maintenance of a state 


		(9)  provide a location for [an ancillary facility that 

is anticipated to generate revenue for use in the design, 

development, financing, construction, maintenance, or operation of 

a toll project, including] a gas station, garage, store, hotel, 

restaurant, or other commercial facility that provides services to 

and directly benefits users of the toll facility;

		(10)  construct or operate a toll booth, toll plaza, 

service center, or other facility used in connection with the 

construction, maintenance, or operation of a toll project; or

		(11)  accomplish any other purpose related to the 

location, construction, improvement, maintenance, beautification, 

preservation, or operation of a state highway.