79S20152 JHS-D

By:  McCall                                                       H.R. No. 13 

WHEREAS, Esteemed legislators Peggy Hamric and Beverly Woolley are kicking off the 2nd Called Session of the 79th Texas Legislature by once again celebrating their 29th birthdays on the house floor, and this occasion will surely be enjoyed by the members of this captive audience; and WHEREAS, Armed with the knowledge that age is relative, and quite certain that a little knowledge is a fabulous thing, these longtime colleagues have set a new standard for defying the passing of time; in fact, July 25th is more of a "rebirthday" than an ordinary birthday, and is viewed as an opportunity to celebrate the subtraction of another year, or two, from their true ages; and WHEREAS, Born in Louisiana and raised in New Mexico, Representative Hamric attended the University of Oklahoma before settling in the Lone Star State; she has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1991, and since being named Outstanding Freshman by the Young Conservatives of Texas following her inaugural legislative campaign, has continued to represent the members of her district with enthusiasm and dedication; and WHEREAS, Representative Woolley is a native Houstonian who graduated cum laude from the University of Houston; she is the co-owner of Houston Armature Works, Inc., and has received honors and accolades from the Texas Association of Business, the Texas Municipal Police Association, Texans for Lawsuit Reform, the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, and the Houston Firefighters Association for her excellent service in support of her constituents in Houston; and WHEREAS, Grandmothers both, these hardworking legislators take great pride in their families; Representative Woolley and her husband have three children and three grandchildren, while Representative Hamric and her spouse have been blessed with two children and two grandchildren; and WHEREAS, In addition to excelling in their leadership roles in the house, these respected chairpersons are charter members of the Legislative Chemical Council, a group of legislators dedicated to maintaining their natural hair color through the miracle of modern science; although comprised almost exclusively of female affiliates, the council considers Governor Rick Perry as an ex-officio member, despite his continued involvement in the splinter group known as "Hair Force One"; and WHEREAS, Twenty-nine and feeling fine, these two lady legislators have long been active supporters of the wine industry, primarily through their purchase of copious quantities of chardonnay, merlot, and the occasional wine cooler during the summer's hotter months; their enduring friendship, which is based on more than just a shared birthday, has blossomed during their time together in the legislature, and, like a fine wine, it continues to get better with age; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate the Honorable Peggy Hamric and the Honorable Beverly Woolley as they celebrate their birthdays on July 25, 2005, and wish them well in their continued efforts to locate the fountain of youth.