79S20648 JHS-F

By:  Escobar                                                      H.R. No. 228

WHEREAS, Emma Salinas Garza was born in Kingsville on May 26, 1926, the same year that the first liquid-fueled rocket was launched and led America into the space age and a new era of discovery and exploration; and WHEREAS, Emma's parents, Severiano and Paula, were born and raised in Ciudad Mier, Mexico, one of the early colonies established by Spain, circa 1742, and part of an area bordering the Rio Grande that was known as Aztlan and later Nuevo Santander; she attended public schools in Kingsville and dropped out in the ninth grade to help her parents manage the household; and WHEREAS, Notwithstanding leaving school, Emma maintained a dream of one day completing her education, but not until she was able to raise her own family; and WHEREAS, Emma S. Garza married her childhood sweetheart at the age of 19, soon after his return from service in the Army Air Corps during World War II; and WHEREAS, After raising six children, Emma completed her GED within one week's time at the age of 40; she went on to attend Texas A&I University, where she worked diligently in her pursuit of an elementary education degree while working full-time as a teacher's aide in the public school system; and WHEREAS, Despite the demands of motherhood and full-time employment, she took a full course load at night school and completed the requirements for a degree in education in four years, graduating in 1980 at the age of 54; continuing her education, she earned a master's degree in elementary education and additional certification in reading, bilingual education, and early childhood education and would teach in the Robstown Independent School District for a total of 10 years before her retirement; and WHEREAS, Although of humble origins, Emma persevered to achieve her goal of attaining a college education, overcoming many barriers in the process and living and achieving the American Dream; her strength, courage, determination, and faith saw her through good times and bad, and her commitment to family and God have inspired new generations to succeed in life and share her sense of commitment and service to family and community; and WHEREAS, Emma S. Garza has made an indelible mark on the world around her and epitomizes those hard-working, dedicated parents and educators across our nation that serve as role models for young and old alike to follow as they strive to reach lifelong goals; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby commend Emma S. Garza on her remarkable achievements and honor her for the life lesson she teaches--that it is never too late to attain long-held goals, realize dreams, and achieve success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Garza as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.