H.R. No. 233

WHEREAS, Sam Sparks of Santa Rosa, one of the most esteemed civic and business leaders in the Rio Grande Valley, has been chosen as the 2005 Distinguished Citizen by the Rio Grande Council, Boy Scouts of America; and WHEREAS, Born on December 24, 1928, in Haleyville, Alabama, Mr. Sparks moved to Santa Rosa with his family when he was two; he began farming in 1945, and in 1947, with the insurance money he received for a broken leg, he purchased his first tractor; and WHEREAS, Over the next several decades, Mr. Sparks built a successful career working the land and earned the high regard of his neighbors for his constructive involvement in a host of agricultural and civic organizations; he was listed in the 1965 edition of Outstanding Young Men of America and was runner-up for the Outstanding Young Farmer of Texas award; today he serves as president of the B&P Bridge Company, which operates the International Bridge at Progreso; and WHEREAS, Sam Sparks has long given unstintingly of his time and talents to the people of his region and the State of Texas; he is currently an advisory trustee of the Valley Baptist Medical Center and a member of the boards of trustees of Abilene Christian University, the Golden Palms Retirement and Health Center, and Sunny Glen Children's Home; and WHEREAS, This notable Texan has also served as director of the Valley Farm Bureau, member of the Valley Acres Irrigation District Board of Directors, board member of the Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers, leader of the Texas Vegetable Seed Improvement Association, and chairman of Rio Farms, Inc., an agricultural research facility; moreover, he has chaired the advisory committee to the Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension facility in Weslaco; and WHEREAS, Possessing a keen interest in education, Mr. Sparks has served on the boards of both the Santa Rosa and South Texas Independent School Districts and chaired the Target 2002 project of The Texas A&M University System; and WHEREAS, In addition, he has served as a director of the San Antonio branch board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, director of the First National Bank of Harlingen, chairman of the Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce, and board member for the Salvation Army; a staunch supporter of the Boy Scouts for many years, he is a past president of the Santa Rosa Kiwanis Club, a Mason, and a valued member of the Church of Christ; and WHEREAS, Sam Sparks married Seanne Busch in 1948 and the couple have enjoyed a fulfilling marriage for more than five decades; they take pride in a close-knit family that includes four children, John Sparks, Bobby Sparks and his wife, Judy, Elizabeth Johnson and her husband, Alan, and Karen Guenther and her husband, Mark, as well as nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; and WHEREAS, Deeply devoted to the welfare of his fellow citizens, Sam Sparks exemplifies the qualities of citizenship that create strong, vibrant, and caring communities, and it is indeed a pleasure to recognize him at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby congratulate Sam Sparks on the occasion of his selection as the 2005 Distinguished Citizen by the Rio Grande Council, Boy Scouts of America, and extend to him profound appreciation for his immeasurable contributions to the Lone Star State; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Sparks as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Martinez ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 233 was adopted by the House on August 17, 2005, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House