79S20063 CME-D

By:  Staples                                                      S.R. No. 6  

WHEREAS, The Texas Water Development Board estimates that by 2050 current water sources will fall short of meeting demand by 7.5 million acre-feet per year, affecting 900 cities representing 38 percent of the projected population; such a staggering shortfall would undoubtedly hold dire consequences for the people and economy of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, To prepare for the growing water needs of Texas, studies have been conducted to identify sites favorable for the construction of reservoirs; one such site, located on the Neches River in Cherokee and Anderson Counties, merits consideration for the construction of a dam and reservoir by virtue of the storage and conservation advantages the location would afford the burgeoning population in the region and the state; and WHEREAS, The construction and development of such a project and the associated use of the unappropriated flows of the Neches River are in the public interest and would certainly constitute a beneficial use of the water; in fact, analyses indicate that the firm yield of Fastrill Reservoir may range from 140,000 acre-feet per year to 155,000 acre-feet per year; and WHEREAS, As a result, expected beneficiaries of the dependable water supply afforded by the development of the Fastrill Reservoir include users in Anderson, Cherokee, Henderson, and Smith Counties, as well as the City of Dallas; projections that population growth in the region will reach 50 percent highlight the importance of the development of Fastrill Reservoir; and WHEREAS, In addition to the water storage and conservation advantages related to the Fastrill site, the associated economic development opportunities and potential increase in property value for communities in rural East Texas cannot be ignored; and WHEREAS, Clearly, the Fastrill Reservoir Regional Water Supply Project is a critical resource that can help meet the water supply requirements of the region and state while offering additional economic benefits to the surrounding area; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 79th Texas Legislature, 2nd Called Session, express its support for the site known as Fastrill Reservoir, located on the Neches River in Cherokee and Anderson Counties, as a key component of the state's water conservation plan.