Floor Packet Page No. 7 Amend HB 2 by inserting the following appropriately numbered SECTION and renumbering any subsequent SECTIONS accordingly: SECTION ____. PROPERTY TAX RELIEF FUND DISCLOSURE. (a) For purposes of providing transparency and accountability, the comptroller of public accounts shall publish in the Texas Register no later than December 31 the following information for the previous fiscal year: (1) the total revenue collected and deposited to the credit of the property tax relief fund by revenue source; (2) the total cost to cover the property tax relief authorized by the 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, 2006, and the total amount appropriated to cover the cost by source of revenue; and (3) the total amount by which the revenue in subdivision (1) is less than or greater than the total cost in subdivision (2). (b) The comptroller of public accounts shall include in the biennial revenue estimate an estimate of the total amount of revenue to be deposited to the credit of the property tax relief fund, by source of revenue, and an estimate of the total biennial cost to the state to cover the property tax rate reduction authorized by HB 1 and any other legislation authorizing property tax relief enacted by the 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, 2006. The comptroller shall calculate the amount by which the estimated revenue in the property tax relief fund is less than or greater than the state cost to cover the property tax relief authorized by the 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, 2006.