79S30194 JHS-D

By:  Guillen                                                    H.C.R. No. 23 

WHEREAS, After nearly 23 years of exemplary service with the United States Border Patrol, Hector Trevino of Zapata retired on April 2, 2006, and this occasion presents a fitting opportunity to recognize this dedicated individual; and WHEREAS, Born in Eagle Pass, Agent Trevino graduated from Eagle Pass High School before joining the U.S. Marine Corps in 1972; during his tenure in the corps, he worked as a marine security guard at the American embassies in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and Montevideo, Uruguay; and WHEREAS, Before joining the border patrol in 1983, Agent Trevino gained valuable experience in law enforcement as an officer with the Texas Department of Corrections and the Kingsville Police Department; those years were also spent pursuing educational opportunities, including an associate's degree in criminal justice from Georgia Military College and a bachelor of science degree in criminal justice from Corpus Christi State University; and WHEREAS, Agent Trevino's first assignment with the border patrol was the Chula Vista Station of the Chula Vista Sector; after graduating from the U.S. Border Academy in Glynco, Georgia, as one of the top three trainee agents in his class, he began a successful career that saw him rise steadily through the ranks and earn numerous promotions and commendations for his outstanding performance, most notably during his extended tenure at the Zapata station; and WHEREAS, After accepting a promotion to patrol agent in charge (PAIC) on September 9, 1990, Agent Trevino assumed responsibility for all aspects of the station's day-to-day operation, including mission planning and coordination, employee relations and evaluation, and communication with both subordinates and superiors; his efforts were rewarded in 2002, when he received the Special Achievement Award in March and the Meritorious Award in October; and WHEREAS, Our nation's border patrol agents routinely find themselves in harm's way, and the brave individuals who accept the challenges and dangers of this vital role are deserving of our respect and admiration; Hector Trevino has devoted 23 years of his life to protecting our nation's borders, and he may indeed reflect with justifiable pride on a job well done as he embarks on an exciting new chapter in his life; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 79th Legislature of the State of Texas, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Hector Trevino on the occasion of his retirement from the U.S. Border Patrol and commend him for his many years of dedicated service to this state and nation; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Agent Trevino as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.