79S30757 JD-D By: Paxton H.J.R. No. 28A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing a constitutional amendment providing for school district property tax rate reduction through the dedication of a portion of available state revenue for that purpose. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Article VII, Texas Constitution, is amended by adding Section 3A to read as follows: Sec. 3A. (a) In this section: (1) "Available state revenue" means state revenue from any source other than federal funds. The term does not include revenue that, under another provision of this constitution, may be used only for a particular purpose. (2) "Increase in available state revenue" means the amount by which the estimate made by the comptroller of public accounts under Section 49a(a), Article III, of this constitution of available state revenue for the succeeding fiscal biennium exceeds the estimate made by the comptroller under that section of available state revenue for the current fiscal biennium. (b) In each fiscal biennium, an amount of general revenue equal to one-third of any increase in available state revenue for the biennium must be used to reduce, as provided by general law, the rate of the school district maintenance tax authorized by Section 3(e) of this article. SECTION 2. The following temporary provision is added to the Texas Constitution: TEMPORARY PROVISION. (a) This temporary provision applies to the constitutional amendment proposed by the 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, 2006, dedicating a portion of future increases in available state revenue to school district maintenance tax rate reduction and expires January 1, 2008. (b) Added Section 3A, Article VII, of this constitution takes effect January 1, 2007, and applies only to a fiscal biennium that begins on or after that date. SECTION 3. This proposed constitutional amendment shall be submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 7, 2006. The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition: "The constitutional amendment reducing school district property tax rates through the dedication of a portion of available state revenue for that purpose."