79S30277 MDM-D

By:  Goolsby                                                      H.R. No. 28 

WHEREAS, Sergeant Joe A. DeCorte has worked to safeguard his fellow citizens for more than three decades, and his retirement from the Dallas Police Department on February 7, 2006, has brought to a close a notable career in public service; and WHEREAS, A native of Dallas, Joe DeCorte graduated from Bishop Dunne High School with the Class of 1966; he joined the United States Marine Corps the following year and saw duty in Vietnam before completing his term of enlistment in 1969; and WHEREAS, Sergeant DeCorte is an alumnus of the University of North Texas, where he earned a bachelor's degree in finance in 1972; he went on to pursue graduate studies at Abilene Christian University, and in 1975 he was awarded a master's degree in career development from that institution; and WHEREAS, This esteemed lawman began his career with the Dallas Police Department in 1972 and was assigned initially to the Southwest Patrol Division, where he worked as a patrol officer, field training officer, and member of the deployment unit; promoted to sergeant in 1978 and reassigned to the Central Division, he served as a patrol supervisor and later as an investigative unit supervisor; he next transferred to the Crimes Against Persons Division, heading the robbery, homicide, and homicide special investigations units before accepting an appointment as administrative sergeant in the Homeland Security and Special Operations Division in 2005; and WHEREAS, Sergeant DeCorte holds a master police officer certificate, as well as awards for marksmanship, safe driving, and 20 years of perfect attendance; justly recognized for his unwavering dedication throughout his exceptional career in law enforcement, he has received 62 commendations, four certificates of merit, and two life-saving bars; and WHEREAS, When off duty, he has shared his time and talents with his colleagues in the Dallas Police Association, handling the duties of CAPERS director from 2001 to 2003 and first vice president from 2003 to 2006; and WHEREAS, Sergeant DeCorte married Kathy Emmett in 1970, and the couple take great pride in their two daughters, Jennifer and Angela, and three grandchildren, Kellan, Kindal, and Natalie; and WHEREAS, Over the course of his exemplary tenure on the force, Sergeant DeCorte has compiled a record of meritorious service, loyalty, personal bravery, and self-sacrifice consistent with the highest ideals of the law enforcement profession, and it is most appropriate that he be honored for an outstanding career in public service; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, heartily commend Joe A. DeCorte for his steadfast devotion to the public welfare and extend to him sincere best wishes for a happy and rewarding retirement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Sergeant DeCorte as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.