79S30592 JNC-D

By:  Merritt                                                      H.R. No. 57 

WHEREAS, April 18, 2006, is truly a special day for residents of Gladewater, for on this day, they are observing the 75th anniversary of the incorporation of their city; and WHEREAS, Situated in picturesque Northeast Texas, Gladewater was founded following the arrival of the Texas & Pacific Railroad on May 13, 1873; some 60 years later, with the discovery of black gold, the population of this small timber and farming community grew from 500 to nearly 8,000 people; and WHEREAS, On April 18, 1931, Gladewater citizens went to the polls and voted for incorporation; since that time, the town has undergone remarkable change while still retaining the small-town charm that has made it a desirable place, for so many, to put down roots and raise their families; and WHEREAS, With a diversified economy that relies on oil, manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism, Gladewater draws countless visitors each year who join local residents in enjoying its numerous antique shops, beautiful Lake Gladewater, and such popular community events as the annual Round-Up Rodeo, now in its 69th year; moreover, the local Main Street program is working to revitalize the downtown area in an effort to further enhance the city's attractive appearance and economy; and WHEREAS, Gladewater has become a community of thriving businesses, outstanding schools, and compelling attractions, and its winning combination of modern progress and high quality of life should ensure that the future of this treasured city will indeed remain bright; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commemorate the 75th anniversary of the incorporation of Gladewater and extend to all those involved best wishes for a memorable celebration.