79S30155 MDM-D

By:  Gonzalez Toureilles                                          H.R. No. 81 

WHEREAS, The Family Land Heritage Program of the Texas Department of Agriculture honors properties in Texas that have been owned and operated by the same family for more than a century, and this distinguished roster recognizes the Guy H. Smith and Sons Ranch for its remarkable 150-year history; and WHEREAS, This venerable ranch traces its origins to 1852, when Cornelius Smith, a native of Ireland, laid claim to 160 acres of well-watered grassland in Atascosa County; "Professor" Smith, the cousin of Abraham Lincoln's father, Tom, had arrived in the United States at the age of 14 and at the age of 15 traveled with the future U.S. president to Alabama to teach school; Mr. Smith's interest in Texas was reportedly quickened by descriptions in letters that his students would bring to class; and WHEREAS, After selecting land in Texas, Cornelius Smith returned to Alabama and married Sarah Payte; in 1856 the couple moved to Texas with their three children and began cultivating forage crops; the Smiths' family eventually grew to include nine children; and WHEREAS, Following the death of their parents within five months of each other in 1890-1891, the children of Cornelius and Sarah Smith inherited the family ranch; son Thomas Pate Smith and his wife, Susie Hooker Smith, added significantly to their holdings; they had nine children, including a son, Guy Hooker Smith, who as a young child worked in the cow camps and took part in trail rides; and WHEREAS, A veteran of World War I and a district clerk in Jourdanton, Guy Smith married Hazel Holland, the local schoolteacher, with whom he raised a son and a daughter; he acquired approximately 1,000 acres following his father's death in 1932, and in 1975, the Guy H. Smith and Sons Ranch was recognized by the Family Land Heritage Program for 100 years of agricultural production; and WHEREAS, When Guy Hooker Smith passed away in 1977, his son, Guy Holland Smith, acquired 602 acres, which he used to raise cattle; Guy Holland Smith was married to Gloria Pfeil, and to their union were born six children; and WHEREAS, On Mr. Smith's death in 1984, his 1,005-acre ranch included 242 acres that could be traced back to the founder; this cattle-raising enterprise is currently held in trust for the Smith children, with their mother, Gloria Pfeil Smith, serving as trustee; and WHEREAS, For more than a century and a half, the Guy H. Smith and Sons Ranch and the descendants of Cornelius and Sarah Smith have made enduring contributions to Atascosa County and to agriculture in the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate all those associated with the Guy H. Smith and Sons Ranch on its inclusion in the Texas Family Land Heritage Program and that they be extended sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the Smith family as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.