79S30407 JTR-D

By:  Hilderbran                                                   H.R. No. 147

WHEREAS, The community of Bandera was deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Claire Johnston on November 19, 2005, and we join her many friends and admirers in mourning their loss; and WHEREAS, Born in Dalhart, the former Claire Elizabeth Beecroft grew up in San Marcos and graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a degree in education and foreign languages; and WHEREAS, She was a military wife before moving to Brownsville with her first husband, Major John Frederick English, who died in 1976; and WHEREAS, In 1982 she married Gary Johnston and moved with him to Bandera, and in the years that followed she distinguished herself as one of this Central Texas town's most influential and beloved citizens; she played a key role in the organization of the Bandera Regional Community Foundation and in the designation of the Bandera Library Corporation as a nonprofit entity; and WHEREAS, An avid and talented gardener, Mrs. Johnston also served as treasurer of the Rose Garden Club of Medina, and had previously served as a director of District VII of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc., and in several capacities with the San Antonio Garden Center, of which she was a life member; and WHEREAS, Her gardening expertise and bilingual abilities led her to prominence as an internationally accredited flower show and horticultural design judge, and her taste and judgment were sought after as far away as Mexico and South America; and WHEREAS, In all her travels, her heart never strayed far from her Hill Country home, where she cultivated her friendships with the same care she devoted to her own beloved garden; and WHEREAS, Though she will be greatly missed, Claire Johnston will long be remembered for her kindness, her creativity, and her graciousness by all those who were fortunate enough to have known her; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the life of Claire Johnston and extend sincere sympathy to the members of her family: to her husband, Gary Johnston; to her brother and sister-in-law, Bertram and Betty Beecroft; to her sister and brother-in-law, Catherine and Everett Johnson; to her niece, Mary Morgan; to her nephews, Thomas L. Beecroft and his wife, Diane, Samuel R. Beecroft and his wife, Melissa, and Everett F. Johnson and his wife, Mindy; to her stepchildren, Jordan M. Johnston, Daria J. Williams and her husband, Jason, and Marcus F. Johnston; and to her other family members and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Claire Johnston.