79S30940 JH-D

By:  King of Zavala                                               H.R. No. 234

WHEREAS, Mitchell W. Graff of Hondo is graduating from Hondo High School in May 2006, having distinguished himself through his superior academic and extracurricular achievements; and WHEREAS, Mr. Graff has never missed a single day of classes throughout his 12 years of education; moreover, his admirable scholastic record shows that attendance is merely one indication of his dedication; Mr. Graff's achievements include acceptance into both the National Honor Society and the National Honor Roll, and he earned grades that rank him among the top members of his graduating class; and WHEREAS, His accomplishments in the classroom have been matched by fine performances as a member of his high school football, baseball, and basketball teams; his play on the diamond was particularly noteworthy, earning him a spot on the varsity team for all four years of high school and winning him several consecutive all-district honors; in addition, he was named an all-district receiver in football during his junior and senior seasons; and WHEREAS, A leader off the field as well, Mr. Graff participated in high school student council, was part of the graduation planning committee, and shared his sports knowledge with younger children by serving as a youth soccer coach and baseball umpire; and WHEREAS, Spiritual devotion has also been a defining element in Mr. Graff's life, as can be seen in his participation in activities at St. John's Catholic Church and his membership in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes; and WHEREAS, This young man has demonstrated that hard work and determination can lead to exceptional results, and his success as a scholar, athlete, and organizer has made him a role model for his fellow students; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Mitchell W. Graff on his graduation from Hondo High School and honor him for his exemplary academic and extracurricular achievements; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Graff as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.