79S31093 BJM-D

By:  McClendon                                                    H.R. No. 287

WHEREAS, The PALS Social Club in San Antonio marked the milestone of its 80th anniversary on December 18, 2005; and WHEREAS, The club was founded in 1925 by Vivian Lowery Vincent and three friends, who coined the group's name from the motto "Pleasant Attitude Toward Life"; dedicated to providing young African American women with positive role models, as well as promoting social and civic awareness, cultural dignity, pride, and a sense of self, PALS hosted its first debutante presentation ball in 1927, and the event has since become a treasured tradition that continues to this day; and WHEREAS, Through the years, the members of PALS have upheld the worthy ideals set forth by the organization's founders, setting a sterling example of civic engagement and leadership; their many good works have earned them not only the respect of the community they serve, but recognition from the United Negro College Fund and the National Council of Negro Women; and WHEREAS, For eight decades, the women of PALS have contributed greatly to the vitality of San Antonio's African American community, and the club will undoubtedly continue to impact the lives of countless young Texans for years to come; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate all those associated with PALS Social Club on the organization's 80th anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the PALS Social Club as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.