H.R. No. 339

WHEREAS, Great tragedies like Hurricane Katrina result in immense and painful losses, but are also often a testament to the strength and resolve of a community and the deep instinct for kindness and generosity that abides in the human heart; and WHEREAS, It is in this spirit that Camp Copass, a Southern Baptist children's camp in Denton, opened its doors to provide much-needed shelter, food, and medical care to more than 300 hurricane evacuees in September 2005; under the leadership of the camp's director, Brad Springer, board and staff members and many volunteers also worked diligently to reunite family members who had been separated in the storm's aftermath, even going so far as arranging air travel so that relatives could be brought together during this trying time; and WHEREAS, Joining Camp Copass and the many dedicated residents of Denton in this important mission were the City of Denton and Denton County, which jointly activated an Emergency Operations Center at the Denton Civic Center, the Denton County Health Department, the Denton County Sheriff's Department, the United Way, various city offices, and a number of area churches; each played a vital role in this important effort, and their contributions will not soon be forgotten by those affected by this life-altering event; and WHEREAS, In their dedication to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina, all those associated with the relief effort at Camp Copass remind us that many individuals working together for a noble purpose define the best sense of community and that the strength of a society may be judged by its response to those in need; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commend all those individuals and organizations involved with the hurricane outreach efforts at Camp Copass and recognize them for their generosity and compassion; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Camp Copass as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Crownover ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 339 was adopted by the House on May 10, 2006, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House