79S31484 CBE-D

By:  Nixon                                                        H.R. No. 411

WHEREAS, Soon to be an upperclassman at Westside High School in Houston, Matthew Joseph Nixon is a dynamic and accomplished youth who is admired for his insight and wit; and WHEREAS, This proud Texan is the youngest of three siblings and the son of our esteemed colleague, Joe Nixon, and his wife, Allyson; known as a friend one can count on, he possesses a strength of character that belies his age; and WHEREAS, A talented student and accomplished and respected writer, Mr. Nixon enjoys seeing films in his spare time, especially sharing his critical perspective of them afterward, and his ability to make a quick joke keeps those around him laughing; and WHEREAS, Mr. Nixon is a source of great joy for his parents, and as he continues to develop his talents and explore new endeavors, he may indeed look forward to a bright and promising future; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby honor Matthew Joseph Nixon for his accomplishments thus far and extend to him sincere best wishes for much happiness and success in the coming years; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Nixon as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.