79S31246 CBE-D

By:  Craddick                                                     H.R. No. 426

WHEREAS, For the past quarter-century, Suzy Boldrick has been dedicated to making hospice care available to the citizens of Midland, and her exemplary efforts have been recognized with the Jefferson Award for Public Service in 2006; and WHEREAS, A longtime volunteer in the health care field, this esteemed Texan recognized the need for hospice in the Midland community, and in 1981 she joined with other advocates to found Hospice of Midland; she played a key role in helping to establish the organization's infrastructure and then worked to educate local physicians about what hospice care could offer; and WHEREAS, Ms. Boldrick went on to become the organization's first volunteer coordinator, inspiring many others to lend their time caring for end-of-life patients, and she initiated a program to serve children dealing with the loss of a loved one; years later when Hospice of Midland had outgrown its offices, she contributed considerable time and energy to the capital campaign, which successfully raised money for a renovation and expansion, and she was quick to paint and ready rooms when Hospice of Midland opened an inpatient unit at Midland Memorial Hospital; moreover, she has served on the hospice's board three times, including one term as president; and WHEREAS, From its inception and through every stage of its growth, Hospice of Midland has benefited immeasurably from the passion and commitment of Suzy Boldrick, and her receipt of the Jefferson Award for Public Service justly honors her outstanding work; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Suzy Boldrick on her receipt of the 2006 Jefferson Award for Public Service and extend to her deep appreciation for her steadfast contributions to Hospice of Midland and to the community; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Boldrick as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.