H.R. No. 464

WHEREAS, The unwavering courage and abundant optimism of 19-year-old Victor Alvarez of McAllen truly inspires all who have the privilege of knowing him; and WHEREAS, Born October 21, 1986, with spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disease that prevents the growth of muscle tissue and confines one to a wheelchair, this remarkable young man has become a role model of perseverance; as a child, he spent a year in intensive care at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, and although it was a frightening and difficult time, he drew strength watching the scenes of life outside his window; eventually he was sent to Comfort House, a hospice facility in McAllen, where four months later, he celebrated his 10th birthday at a party thrown by staff and volunteers; and WHEREAS, Victor Alvarez continued to thrive at his new home, where his beaming smile and delightful personality won him many friends; just before his 12th birthday, he underwent innovative back surgery to allow his body to better cope with growth spurts, and shortly thereafter, he was able to enter the fifth grade; and WHEREAS, An excellent student from the start, Mr. Alvarez was named "Student of the Year" in sixth grade and then allowed to skip the seventh grade; today, he takes advanced placement courses as a senior at McAllen High School and consistently makes good grades; and WHEREAS, Mr. Alvarez has also cultivated numerous talents; mentored by a local artist for several years, he has a growing collection of paintings and illustrations, and plans to pursue a career in graphic design; he is a prolific poet, and his essays are occasionally published in The Monitor, the daily newspaper of McAllen; the summer before his junior year, Mr. Alvarez attended the Lorenzo de Zavala Youth Legislative Session at Southwestern University, where among 226 youth, he was elected governor; and WHEREAS, More than six years after Victor Alvarez arrived at Comfort House, four friends enthusiastically volunteered to become responsible for his care and he moved with them into the home of his art mentor; several area organizations have also helped, including a local Elks Lodge and Rotary Club as well as the Rio Grande chapter of the Harley Owners Group; in recent years, he has participated in the annual American Cancer Society Upper Valley Relay For Life, helping to raise funds for cancer research, a cause close to his heart as many of his fellow residents at Comfort House were cancer patients; and WHEREAS, Intimately attuned to the fragility of life, Victor Alvarez lives with extraordinary verve, enthusiasm, and compassion, uplifting and impressing everyone he meets; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby honor Victor Alvarez for his many noteworthy accomplishments and extend to him sincere best wishes for success and much happiness in the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Alvarez as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Gonzales ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 464 was adopted by the House on May 12, 2006, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House