79S31609 CBE-D

By:  Naishtat                                                     H.R. No. 476

WHEREAS, Family, colleagues, and friends mourn the untimely passing of Richard Clark Cilley of Austin on April 30, 2006, at the age of 55, and seek to still the pain of loss by remembering the joy and enthusiasm with which he lived his life; and WHEREAS, Born in New York City on May 9, 1950, Richard Cilley graduated from Ball High School in Galveston in 1968 before earning a bachelor of arts with honors from The University of Texas at Austin in 1973; he returned to his alma mater years later, working as a teaching assistant in the classics department and earning a master's degree in classics in 1986; and WHEREAS, Mr. Cilley enjoyed an active and varied career; he spent nearly a decade at Page Southerland Page, Inc., an architectural firm, before becoming a vice president in sales for Audi Investrigen Co. PSI, Inc.; later he served as president of Transcendent Consultants, Inc., and during the last year of his life he worked as a senior historian at Ecological Communications Corporation; and WHEREAS, Devoted to the Austin community, Mr. Cilley served on the Austin Community College South Austin Campus Advisory Board; he was a valued member of St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Church, where he served on the parish council; in his quest for a spiritual life, he found great sustenance at St. Elias; and WHEREAS, Filled with a zest for life, Mr. Cilley was passionate about learning and over the years became fluent in French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, German, and Arabic; he also took immense pleasure in cooking, enjoying almost nothing more than sharing food, drink, and conversation with friends and family; and WHEREAS, Richard Cilley was supported in all his endeavors by his wife, Barbara Higgins Cilley, with whom he shared 33 years; and WHEREAS, Those fortunate to have known Richard Cilley will long remember his vivacious personality, his remarkable gift for knowledge, and his eager generosity to others; although he will be deeply missed, his spirit will shine brightly in the hearts of those who knew and loved him; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby pay tribute to the life of Richard Clark Cilley and extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife, Barbara Higgins Cilley; to his mother, Louise Browne Cilley; to his sister, Barbara Bledsoe and her husband, Billy Bledsoe; to his niece, Meredith Bledsoe; to his nephew, Andy Bledsoe; and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Richard Clark Cilley.