79S31637 JNC-D

By:  Gonzalez Toureilles                                          H.R. No. 518

WHEREAS, U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Miguel Valdez III of Alice, who has served his country with distinction in Iraq, is a source of great pride to all who know him; and WHEREAS, Stationed in Fallujah, Lance Corporal Valdez helped to train Iraqi forces during his seven-month deployment; throughout his time overseas, he demonstrated an unwavering commitment to his mission, and his steadfast courage in the face of danger earned him a Purple Heart; and WHEREAS, This loving son and brother has been supported in all of his endeavors by his family, including his parents, Rachel and Antonio Joslin and Miguel and Annie Valdez, his sister, Alicia Valdez, and his stepsisters, Erika Garcia, Lorrie Villarreal, and Karen Villarreal; and WHEREAS, Americans owe a profound debt of gratitude to Lance Corporal Valdez and to all of the country's military personnel, for they are called on to bear great, often unimaginable, burdens, and they render service and sacrifice that is truly beyond measure; and WHEREAS, Through his unfaltering devotion to duty, honor, and this nation, Miguel Valdez III embodies the highest ideals of the U.S. armed forces, and it is indeed a privilege to join in welcoming him home; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commend U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Miguel Valdez III for his exemplary commitment to his family, his community, and his nation and extend to him heartfelt best wishes for success and happiness in the coming years; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Lance Corporal Valdez as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.