79S31559 JNC-D

By:  Dutton                                                       H.R. No. 523

WHEREAS, The members of the eighth-grade class of Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School in Houston truly merit special recognition on the occasion of their graduation, which is taking place on May 23, 2006; and WHEREAS, This notable event not only serves as the first of many milestones in the educational careers of the event's honorees, but also as a chance to pay tribute to all those associated with the school who work to uphold the highest standards of academic excellence; and WHEREAS, Since its opening in August 2001, the institution has offered a challenging research-based curriculum that allows each student to maximize his or her potential; individual academic growth plans are developed for each student to monitor achievement, and instructional teams meet weekly to discuss student progress, educational strategies, and methodologies; in addition to the school's regular program, specialized areas are also offered in foreign language, choral and performing music, technology education, and engineering; and WHEREAS, The student body, which consists of more than 300 boys and girls in prekindergarten through the eighth grade, boasts an impressive 97 percent attendance rate, and the collaborative involvement of parents, community leaders, and business partners is key to the school's success; and WHEREAS, With hard work, determination, and the support of their families and a dedicated faculty and staff, these outstanding young Texans have achieved an important milestone in their education and may undoubtedly look forward to a future bright with promise; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commemorate the fifth annual eighth-grade promotion ceremony of Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School and extend to the school's graduates sincere best wishes for continued success in all of their future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the members of the class as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.