H.R. No. 714

WHEREAS, The United States Achievement Academy has named Haley Friudenberg of Bruceville-Eddy a U.S. National Award winner in history and government; and WHEREAS, A student at Bruceville-Eddy High School, Ms. Friudenberg was nominated by her teacher Jason Ketchem; she is among the less than 10 percent of all American high school students recognized by the USAA, and she will appear in this year's United States Achievement Academy National Awards Yearbook; and WHEREAS, Criteria for a student's selection by the academy include academic performance, leadership qualities, responsibility, enthusiasm, dependability, and citizenship; and WHEREAS, The daughter of David and Sheryl Friudenberg, Haley Friudenberg has demonstrated a dedication to excellence, and she is a source of tremendous pride to her family, her school, and her community; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Haley Friudenberg on being named a U.S. National Award winner in history and government by the United States Achievement Academy and extend to her best wishes for success in all her future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Friudenberg as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Anderson ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 714 was adopted by the House on May 15, 2006, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House