79S31919 BJM-D

By:  Gallego                                                      H.R. No. 736

WHEREAS, After four years of hard work and determination, Christina Titus has earned the title of valedictorian of her graduating class at Uvalde High School; and WHEREAS, The right to call oneself "valedictorian" requires not only intellect and aptitude, but perseverance and dedication to the highest academic standards and a keen understanding of the entire curriculum; and WHEREAS, A most worthy recipient of this honor, Ms. Titus has proven herself to be an outstanding scholar, excelling in her many classes and earning academic awards in a host of courses, including geography, geometry, algebra, English, world history, calculus, journalism, psychology, and biology; moreover, this academic decathlon competitor and member of her school's gifted and talented program has fittingly been named "Most Likely to Succeed," and she is in Who's Who Among American Students and the National Honor Society, which she served as president; and WHEREAS, She is a member of the Uvalde High School band, qualifying for state solo and ensemble competitions, and has been active with UIL math and science, the journalism club, student council, student forum, mock city council and county commissioners court, and school newspaper; moreover, she has won the titles of band sweetheart and junior class duchess; and WHEREAS, Also active in her community, she has given generously of her time and musical talents to her church as her praise team's pianist, cofounded the outreach program T.O.U.C.H. Ministries, and organized her church's involvement in a community-wide festival to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina; her time and energy have also benefited the Relay for Life and several local food and clothing drives and health care centers; and WHEREAS, The daughter of proud parents Titus Koshy and Mini Titus, Christina Titus has earned the respect and admiration of her friends, family, and teachers, and as she stands on the threshold of a bright and rewarding future, it is indeed a pleasure to honor her; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Christina Titus on being named valedictorian of Uvalde High School and extend to her best wishes for the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Titus as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.