By:  Davis of Dallas                                              H.R. No. 808

WHEREAS, With the close of the 79th Session, the Honorable Jesse Jones will be ending his service in the Texas Legislature, concluding a 14-year tenure that saw him serve his Dallas County constituents, and indeed all the citizens of Texas, with integrity and distinction; and WHEREAS, A member of the Texas House of Representatives since the 73rd Legislature in 1993, his professorship in chemistry at Baylor University and the impressive list of academic titles that he has earned made Dr. Jones a natural choice for the House of Representatives Higher Education Committee, where he has been a member for five of his seven legislative sessions; a strong proponent of post-secondary studies, he lent his support to a variety of measures on that subject and helped to secure increased funding for college scholarships, among other accomplishments; Dr. Jones has also been a longtime member of the Elections Committee, joining that group during his first legislative session and serving as vice chair from 1997 to 2001; and WHEREAS, A prime example of a concerned citizen who has maintained his productive professional life while also assuming the responsibilities of elected office, Dr. Jones has proven his abilities in both fields and has made immense contributions to his state as a member of the House and as an educator; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commend the Honorable Jesse Jones for his notable service as a member of this legislative body and extend to him warmest best wishes for success and happiness in the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Representative Jones as an expression of high regard by his colleagues in the Texas House of Representatives.