WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to join the City of Houston in recognizing June 10, 2006, as the XV Concurso Día del Niño; and WHEREAS, The Concurso Día del Niño is an annual event that provides many students with the educational tools they need and the vision to understand the importance of computer technology; and WHEREAS, The goal of the Concurso Día del Niño is to educate and prepare students to succeed in today's world; and WHEREAS, Students participate by submitting essays on a computer-related topic, and the winner of each individual category wins a computer system; the schools with the most winning participants receive equipment for their computer labs; more than 100 contestants will receive books, bicycles, software, computer courses, and more; and WHEREAS, The Concurso Día del Niño is an important and vibrant part of the Houston community, and the sponsors, students, and parents are to be commended for their worthy endeavors; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby extend best wishes to all those involved with the XV Concurso Día del Niño for a memorable and successful event and recognize June 10, 2006, as XV Concurso Día del Niño Day; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as a memento of this special occasion. Ellis ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on April 24, 2006. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate