WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to recognize The University of Texas Marine Science Institute on the occasion of its 60th anniversary; and WHEREAS, The University of Texas Marine Science Institute was established by an Act of the Texas Legislature in 1941 following a massive fish kill near Port Aransas, with the charge to conduct basic and applied research aimed at understanding the biological, chemical, and physical processes governing the coastal zone ecosystem; and WHEREAS, The Marine Science Institute has grown to be a world-class center of marine research whose scientists work on problems of great local and global importance in order to provide the citizens of Texas with critical information about and understanding of coastal and ocean-related issues; and WHEREAS, The Marine Science Institute has been a fertile home to some of this country's most important marine scientists, including its founder, Dr. Elmer J. Lund, named by American Men of Science as one of the first 1,000 scientists in North America; Dr. Gordon P. Gunter, for whom the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration named one of its ships; Dr. Howard T. Odum, who is considered the father of modern ecology; and Dr. Patrick L. Parker, whose research the National Science Foundation regards as "one of the greatest achievements in chemical oceanography in the last 50 years"; and WHEREAS, For the past 32 years the Marine Science Institute has introduced hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren to the wonders of the sea through its visiting class program; the institute has trained hundreds of schoolteachers using marine science as a tool for teaching science, mathematics, art, music, and other topics, and it has enlightened tens of thousands of visitors per year through public displays, aquaria, and educational movies in its visitors center; and WHEREAS, The Marine Science Institute's academic branch, the Department of Marine Science, has for decades offered intensive, field-based college courses for undergraduate students and research opportunities for graduate students from many universities across the state; and WHEREAS, In the 15 years since the graduate program in marine science was approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, The University of Texas at Austin has conferred more than 30 doctoral degrees and more than 50 master's degrees in marine science to young scholars who now serve the State of Texas, other states, the nation, and other countries; and WHEREAS, The Marine Science Institute modestly refuses to count its first five years of existence because of the nation's preoccupation with the Second World War, and is this year celebrating "60 Years of Science and the Sea"; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 79th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby commend The University of Texas Marine Science Institute for its long and important service to the state and its citizens through high-caliber research, outstanding instruction, and exceptional public outreach and extend congratulations to the dedicated faculty, staff, students, and supporters of the institute on its 60th anniversary; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for The University of Texas Marine Science Institute as an expression of high regard from the Texas Legislature. Hinojosa ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on May 1, 2006. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate