Floor Packet Page No. 278                                                   

Amend CSHB 2 as follows:                                                     
	(1)  In SECTION 2D.30 of the bill:                                             
	(a) on page 107, line 19, strike "alternative management" and 
substitute "whole school redesign";
	(b) on page 107, line 24, strike "MANAGEMENT" and substitute 
	(c) strike proposed subsections (b) - (i), Sec.39.1322 
Education Code (page 108, line 6 - page 110, line 20) and substitute 
the following:
	"(b)  If the commissioner determines that the basis for the 
rating for a campus under Subsection (a) is limited to a specific 
condition that may be remedied with targeted technical assistance 
from the agency, the commissioner:
		(1)  may provide the campus a one-year waiver under this 
section; and       
		(2)  shall provide the appropriate technical assistance 
to remedy the specific condition.
	(c)  The commissioner shall require that a local school board 
develop a whole school redesign plan to correct the instructional 
program at a campus rated under Subsection (a) and to improve 
student performance. The commissioner shall provide technical 
assistance in developing such a plan. 
	(d)  A whole school redesign plan shall be founded on 
research-based methods proven to enhance student achievement and, 
at a minimum, shall require:
		(1)  that instructional class sizes be no more than 10 
students per teacher as specified under Section 28.0211(c); and 
		(2)  that all classroom teachers assigned to the campus:                      
			(i)  have at least two years of teaching 
			(ii)  hold appropriate certification under 
Section 21.057 for all assigned subjects; and 
			(iii)  be a highly-qualified teacher under No 
Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub. L. No. 107-110)."