Floor Packet Page No. 293                                                   

Amend CSHB 2 by adding the following appropriately numbered 
SECTIONS to the bill and renumbering the subsequent SECTIONS 
	SECTION 2D.06.  Section 28.0211, Education Code, is amended 
by amending Subsections (a) and (c)-(f) and adding Subsections 
(a-1), (b-1), and (d-1) to read as follows:
	(a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b-1), (d), [(b)] or 
(e), a student may not be promoted to:
		(1)  the fourth grade program to which the student 
would otherwise be assigned if the student does not perform 
satisfactorily on the third grade reading assessment instrument 
under Section 39.023;
		(2)  the sixth grade program to which the student would 
otherwise be assigned if the student does not perform 
satisfactorily on the fifth grade mathematics and reading 
assessment instruments under Section 39.023; or
		(3)  the ninth grade program to which the student would 
otherwise be assigned if the student does not perform 
satisfactorily on the eighth grade mathematics and reading 
assessment instruments under Section 39.023.
	(a-1)  A school district shall establish a grade placement 
committee to determine whether to promote or retain a student who 
fails to perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument 
specified under Subsection (a).  The grade placement committee 
shall be composed of the student's principal or the principal's 
designee, the teacher of the subject of an assessment instrument on 
which the student failed to perform satisfactorily, and a counselor 
at the student's school, or in the student's school district if the 
student's school does not have a counselor.  The district shall 
notify the student's parent or guardian of:
		(1)  the student's failure to perform satisfactorily on 
the assessment instrument;
		(2)  the time and place for convening the grade 
placement committee and the purpose of the committee; and
		(3)  the possibility that the student might be retained 
at the same grade level for the next school year.
	(b-1)  The grade placement committee may decide to promote a 
student who fails to perform satisfactorily on an assessment 
instrument specified under Subsection (a) if the committee 
concludes, using standards adopted by the board of trustees, that 
if promoted and given accelerated instruction as provided by 
Subsection (f), the student is likely to perform at grade level.  
The standards adopted by the board of trustees may include:
		(1)  evidence of satisfactory student performance, 
including grades, portfolios, work samples, local assessments, and 
individual reading and mathematics diagnostic tests or 
		(2)  grades in language arts, mathematics, science, and 
social studies for the grade level from which the student seeks 
		(3)  performance on the individual assessment 
instruments administered to the student under Section 39.023;
		(4)  total scores on the assessment instrument or 
instruments specified by Subsection (a); and
		(5)  extenuating circumstances that have adversely 
affected the student's participation in the required assessments.
	(c)  If the grade placement committee decides not to promote 
a student under Subsection (b-1), the [Each time a student fails to 
perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument specified under 
Subsection (a), the school district in which the student attends 
school shall provide to the student accelerated instruction in the 
applicable subject area, including reading instruction for a 
student who fails to perform satisfactorily on a reading assessment 
instrument.  After a student fails to perform satisfactorily on an 
assessment instrument a second time, a] grade placement committee 
shall [be established to] prescribe [the] accelerated instruction 
for [the district shall provide to] the student for the remainder of 
the school year and may prescribe accelerated instruction for the 
time school is recessed for the summer [before the student is 
administered the assessment instrument the third time].  [The grade 
placement committee shall be composed of the principal or the 
principal's designee, the student's parent or guardian, and the 
teacher of the subject of an assessment instrument on which the 
student failed to perform satisfactorily.  The district shall 
notify the parent or guardian of the time and place for convening 
the grade placement committee and the purpose of the committee.]  An 
accelerated instruction group administered by a school district 
under this section may not have a ratio of more than 10 students for 
each teacher.  The accelerated instruction must include reading 
instruction for a student who fails to perform satisfactorily on a 
reading assessment instrument.  The
	[(d)  In addition to providing accelerated instruction to a 
student under Subsection (c), the] district shall notify the 
student's parent or guardian of[:
		[(1)  the student's failure to perform satisfactorily 
on the assessment instrument;
		[(2)]  the accelerated instruction program to which the 
student is assigned[; and
		[(3)  the possibility that the student might be 
retained at the same grade level for the next school year].
	(d)  The grade placement committee may decide in favor of a 
student's promotion after a student has received accelerated 
instruction as provided by Subsection (c) if the committee 
concludes, using the same standards adopted by the board of 
trustees under Subsection (b-1), that if promoted and given 
accelerated instruction as provided by Subsection (f), the student 
is likely to perform at grade level.
	(d-1)  A student may not be retained on the basis of the grade 
placement committee's decision unless that decision is unanimous.  
The commissioner by rule shall establish a time line for making the 
placement determination.
	(e)  A student who[, after at least three attempts,] fails to 
perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument specified under 
Subsection (a) and is not promoted by the grade placement committee 
under Subsection (b-1) or (d) shall be retained at the same grade 
level for the next school year in accordance with Subsection (a).  
The student's parent or guardian may appeal the student's retention 
by submitting a request to the grade placement committee 
established under Subsection (a-1) to reconsider its decision under 
Subsection (d) [(c)].  The school district shall give the parent or 
guardian written notice of the opportunity to appeal.  Subsections 
(b-1) and (d) and this [The grade placement committee may decide in 
favor of a student's promotion only if the committee concludes, 
using standards adopted by the board of trustees, that if promoted 
and given accelerated instruction, the student is likely to perform 
at grade level.  A student may not be promoted on the basis of the 
grade placement committee's decision unless that decision is 
unanimous.  The commissioner by rule shall establish a time line for 
making the placement determination.  This] subsection do [does] not 
create a property interest in promotion.  [The decision of the grade 
placement committee is final and may not be appealed.]
	(f)  A school district shall provide to a student who[, after 
three attempts,] has failed to perform satisfactorily on an 
assessment instrument specified under Subsection (a) accelerated 
instruction during the next school year as prescribed by an 
educational plan developed for the student by the student's grade 
placement committee established under Subsection (a-1) [(c)].  The 
district shall provide that accelerated instruction regardless of 
whether the student has been promoted or retained.  The educational 
plan must be designed to enable the student to perform at the 
appropriate grade level by the conclusion of the school year.  
During the school year, the student shall be monitored to ensure 
that the student is progressing in accordance with the plan.  The 
district shall administer to the student the assessment instrument 
for the grade level in which the student is placed at the time the 
district regularly administers the assessment instruments for that 
school year.
	SECTION ____.  Section 28.0211(b), Education Code, is 