Floor Packet Page No. 106                                                   

Amend CSHB 2 (House Committee Printing) on page 15, line 17, 
SECTION 1A.01 of the bill by striking "Sec. 42.204" and substitute 
with the following:
school district is required to use funds allotted under this 
subchapter in providing transportation of children to and from 
	(b)   Funds allotted for student transportation under this 
subchapter that are not used by a school district shall be returned 
to the commissioner.
	(c)   A school district or county may apply for and on 
approval of the commissioner receive an amount in addition to its 
regular transportation allotment if the school district can provide 
to the commissioner that the district has spent more on 
transportation than the current formula provides.
	(d)   The commissioner shall determine the amount of the 
additional allotment received under this subsection. A 
determination by the commissioner under this subsection is final 
and may not be appealed.