Amend Floor Amendment No. 3 as follows:                                      
	(1)  On page 7, line 14, between "SECTION 1A.11" and 
"Subchapter" insert "Effective September 1, 2005,".
	(2)  On page 9, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following 
new appropriately numbered section and renumber the remaining 
sections accordingly:
	SECTION 1A.     . Effective September 1, 2006, Subchapter E, 
Chapter 42, Education Code is amended by adding Section 42.2513 to 
read as follows:
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or Chapter 41, 
and provided that a school district imposes a tax of at least $1.25 
on the $100 valuation of taxable property, a school district is 
entitled to the amount of state revenue necessary to maintain state 
and local revenue per student in weighted average daily attendance 
in the amount equal to the sum of:
		(1) the amount of state and local revenue per student in 
weighted average daily attendance for the maintenance and operation 
of the district to which the district would have been entitled for 
the 2006-2007 school year under Chapter 42, as that chapter existed 
on January 1, 2005, or, if the district would have been subject to 
Chapter 41, as that chapter existed on January 1, 2005, the amount 
to which the district would have been entitled under that chapter, 
based on the funding elements in effect for the 2004-2005 school 
year and including any amounts described by Rider 82, page III-23, 
Chapter 1330, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003 
(the General Appropriations Act); and
		(2) an amount equal to three percent of the amount 
described by Subdivision (1).
	(b) The amount of revenue to which a school district is 
entitled because of the technology allotment under Section 32.005 
or the instructional materials and technology allotment under 
Section 42.241 is not included in making a determination under 
Subsection (a).
	(c) The commissioner shall determine the amount of state 
funds to which a school district is entitled under this section. The 
commissioner's determination is final and may not be appealed.