Floor Packet Page No. 192                                                   

Amend CSHB 2 in PART B, ARTICLE 2, by inserting the following 
appropriately-numbered SECTION:
	"SECTION 2B. __.  Section  31.022(b), Education Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(b)  The board shall organize the cycle for subjects in the 
foundation curriculum so that not more than one-third [one-sixth] 
of the textbooks for subjects in the foundation curriculum are 
reviewed each year. The board shall adopt rules to provide for a 
full and complete investigation of textbooks for each subject in 
the foundation curriculum at least every three [six] years. The 
adoption of textbooks for a subject in the foundation curriculum 
may be extended beyond the three-year [six-year] period only if the 
content of textbooks for a subject is sufficiently current."