Amend CSHB 2 between SECTION 1B.13 and SECTION 1B.14 of the 
bill (committee printing, page 10, between lines 37 and 38) by 
inserting the following appropriately numbered SECTION and 
renumbering the subsequent SECTIONS of Part B, Article 1, 
	SECTION 1B.__.  Section 42.158, Education Code, is amended 
by amending Subsections (b), (d), and (g) and adding Subsection 
(b-1) to read as follows:
	(b)  For the first school year in which students attend a new 
instructional facility, a school district other than a fast growth 
school district is entitled to an allotment of $250 for each student 
in average daily attendance at the facility.  For the second and 
third school years [year] in which students attend that 
instructional facility, the [a school] district is entitled to an 
allotment of $250 for each additional student in average daily 
attendance at the facility.
	(b-1)  For the first school year in which students attend a 
new instructional facility, a fast growth school district is 
entitled to an allotment of $500 for each student in average daily 
attendance at the facility.  For the second and third school years 
in which students attend that instructional facility, the district 
is entitled to an allotment of $500 for each additional student in 
average daily attendance at the facility.
	(d)  The amount appropriated for allotments under this 
section may not exceed $50 [$25] million in a school year.  If the 
total amount of allotments to which districts are entitled under 
this section for a school year exceeds the amount appropriated for 
allotments under this section, the commissioner shall reduce each 
district's allotment under this section in the manner provided by 
Section 42.253(h).
	(g)  In this section:                                                   
		(1)  "Fast growth school district" means a school 
district that during the preceding five school years has 
experienced an increase in enrollment of:
			(A)  greater than 10 percent; or                                      
			(B)  more than 3,500 students.                                        
		(2)  "Instructional [, "instructional] facility" has 
the meaning assigned by Section 46.001.