Amend CSHB 2 in Part A, Article 1, of the bill by inserting 
the following new section, appropriately numbered, and renumbering 
the subsequent sections of Part A, Article 1,  accordingly:
	SECTION 1A.____.  Section 403.302, Government Code, is 
amended by adding Subsection (c-1) to read as follows:
	(c-1)  This subsection applies only to a school district 
whose central administrative office is located in a county with a 
population of 9,000 or less and a total area of more than 6,000 
square miles.  If after conducting the annual study for a tax year 
the comptroller determines that the local value for a school 
district is not valid, the comptroller shall adjust the taxable 
value determined under Subsections (a) and (b) as follows:
		(1)  for each category of property sampled and tested 
by the comptroller in the school district, the comptroller shall 
use the weighted mean appraisal ratio determined by the study, 
unless the ratio is more than four percentage points lower than the 
weighted mean appraisal ratio determined by the comptroller for 
that category of property in the immediately preceding study, in 
which case the comptroller shall use the weighted mean appraisal 
ratio determined in the immediately preceding study minus four 
percentage points;
		(2)  the comptroller shall use the category weighted 
mean appraisal ratios as adjusted under Subdivision (1) to 
establish a value estimate for each category of property sampled 
and tested by the comptroller in the school district; and
		(3)  the value estimates established under Subdivision 
(2), together with the local tax roll value for any categories not 
sampled and tested by the comptroller, less total deductions 
determined by the comptroller, determines the taxable value for the 
school district.