Amend CSHB 2 as follows:                                                     

(1)  In ARTICLE 2 of the bill, in PART B (committee printing, 	page 27, between lines 29 and 30), insert the following SECTION, 
appropriately numbered:
	SECTION 2B.___.  Subchapter B, Chapter 7, Education Code, is 
amended by adding Section 7.033 to read as follows:
The commissioner by rule shall adopt a quality management 
certification program to encourage school districts and 
open-enrollment charter schools to obtain International 
Organization for Standardization ISO 9000 quality management 
	(b)  The commissioner by rule shall identify areas of 
compliance in which the quality management certification program 
would enhance performance, including:
		(1)  compliance with federal law and regulations;                      
		(2)  financial accountability, including compliance 
with grant requirements; and
		(3)  data integrity for purposes of:                                   
			(A)  the Public Education Information Management 
System (PEIMS); and
			(B)  accountability under Chapter 39.                                 
	(c)  For each school district or open-enrollment charter 
school that obtains International Organization for Standardization 
ISO 9000 series quality management program certification, the 
commissioner by rule shall require specific performance measures 
that relate to improvement in:
		(1)  student performance;                                              
		(2)  administrative efficiency;                                        
		(3)  business processes; and                                           
		(4)  integration and use of educational technology.                    
	(d)  For purposes of compliance monitoring, discretionary 
grant administration, and reporting to the Public Education 
Information Management System (PEIMS) and under the Education 
Flexibility Partnership Act of 1999 (20 U.S.C. Section 5891a et 
seq.), the commissioner by rule shall  develop a method for 
recognizing a school district or open-enrollment charter school 
that receives and maintains International Organization for 
Standardization ISO 9000 quality management certification.
	(2)  In ARTICLE 2 of the bill, in PART B (committee printing, 
page 27, between lines 63 and 64), insert the following SECTION, 
appropriately numbered:
	SECTION 2B.___.  Subchapter D, Chapter 11, Education Code, 
is amended by adding Section 11.168 to read as follows:
STANDARDS.  Each school district may apply for International 
Organization for Standardization ISO 9000 certification for 
quality management standards and apply for renewal of that 
certification, as applicable.
	(3)  In ARTICLE 2 of the bill, in PART C (committee printing, 
page 41, between lines 31 and 32), insert the following SECTION, 
appropriately numbered:
	SECTION 2C.___.  Section 39.053(a), Education Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
	(a)  Each board of trustees shall publish an annual report 
describing the educational performance of the district and of each 
campus in the district that includes uniform student performance 
and descriptive information as determined under rules adopted by 
the commissioner.  The annual report must also include:
		(1)  campus performance objectives established under 
Section 11.253 and the progress of each campus toward those 
objectives, which shall be available to the public;
		(2)  the performance rating for the district as 
provided under Section 39.072(a) and the performance rating of each 
campus in the district as provided under Section 39.072(c);
		(3)  the district's current special education 
compliance status with the agency;
		(4)  a statement of the number, rate, and type of 
violent or criminal incidents that occurred on each district 
campus, to the extent permitted under the Family Educational Rights 
and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g);
		(5)  information concerning school violence prevention 
and violence intervention policies and procedures that the district 
is using to protect students; [and]
		(6)  the findings that result from evaluations 
conducted under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act 
of 1994 (20 U.S.C. Section 7101 et seq.) and its subsequent 
amendments; [and]
		(7)  information received under Section 51.403(e) for 
each high school campus in the district, presented in a form 
determined by the commissioner; and
		(8)  evidence that the district currently holds 
International Organization for Standardization ISO 9000 
certification for quality management standards or a statement that 
the district does not hold that certification.
	(4)  In SECTION 2C.21 of the bill, in the recital (committee 
printing, page 42, line 6), strike "(a) and (b)" and substitute 
"(a), (b), and (e)".
	(5)  In SECTION 2C.21 of the bill, in amended Section 39.073, 
Education Code (committee printing, page 42, between lines 23 and 
24), insert the following:
	(e)  In determining a district's accreditation rating, the 
agency shall consider:
		(1)  the district's current special education 
compliance status with the agency;  [and]
		(2)  the progress of students who have failed to 
perform satisfactorily in the preceding school year on an 
assessment instrument required under Section 39.023(a) [39.023(a), 
(c),] or (l); and
		(3)  the district's current certification status under 
the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9000 series 
quality management program certification as described by Section 