Amend CSHB 2 as follows:                                                     
	In Section 2A.10 of the bill, strike added Subsection (c-1), 
Section 21.402, Education Code (committee printing), page 20, lines 
13-23), and substitute the following:
	(c-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), for the 2006-2007 
school year, a classroom teacher, full-time librarian, full-time 
counselor certified under Subchapter B, or full-time school nurse 
is entitled to a monthly salary that is at least equal to the sum of:
		(1)  the monthly salary the employee received for the 
2004-2005 school year, including any local supplement and any money 
representing a career ladder supplement the employee would have 
received in the 2005-2006 school year; and
		(2)  $350.