Amend CSHB 2 as follows:                                                     
	(1)  In the introductory language of Section 1A.12 of the 
bill (committee printing, page 4, line 3), strike "(e) and (f)" and 
substitute "(e), (f), and (g)".
	(2)  At the end of Section 1A.12 of the bill (committee 
printing, page 4, between lines 21 and 22), insert the following:
	(g)  Notwithstanding Subsections (d), (e), and (f), if a 
school district's maintenance and operations tax rate for the 2004 
tax year exceeded a rate of $1.50 for each $100 of taxable value of 
property, the district is entitled to impose an ad valorem tax under 
this section:
		(1)  without authorization at an election held for that 
purpose; and 
		(2)  at a rate not to exceed the sum of:                               
			(A)  the rate authorized under this section; and                      
			(B)  a rate equal to the amount by which the 
district's maintenance and operations tax rate for the 2004 tax 
year exceeded a rate of $1.50 for each $100 of taxable value of 