Amend CSHB 2 as follows:                                                     
	Section 42.155, Education Code, is amended by amending 
Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-1) to read as follows:
	(c)  Each district or county operating a regular 
transportation system is entitled to an allotment based on the 
daily cost per regular eligible student of operating and 
maintaining the regular transportation system and the linear 
density of that system.  In determining the cost, the commissioner 
shall give consideration to factors affecting the actual cost of 
providing these transportation services in each district or county.  
The average actual cost is to be computed by the commissioner and 
included for consideration by the legislature in the General 
Appropriations Act.
	(c-1)  The allotment per mile of approved route under 
Subsection (c) is computed and follows:

Linear Density Grouping                                       Allocation Per 
mile of Approved Route
2.40 and 
above                                                          $ 1.42
1.65 to 
2.40                                                              1.28
1.15 to 
1.65                                                              1.11
					   .90 to 
1.15                            .97                            
					   .65 to   
.90                           .88                            

The allocation per mile of approved route for the bottom linear 
density groupings of up to .40 through .65 shall be moved into the 
next linear density group of up to .90.