Floor Packet Page No. 27                                                    

Amend CSHB 3 as follows:                                                     

(1)  On page 12, line 6 through page 13, line 4, strike Part E 	of Article 1 of the bill and redesignate subsequent parts and 
sections of Article 1 accordingly.
	(2)  On page 13, line 18 through page 14, line 1, strike 
Section 1F.03 of Article 1 of the bill and renumber subsequent 
sections of Part F of Article 1 of the bill accordingly.
	(3)  On page 14, line 5, strike "Sections 1D.01-1E.02" and 
substitute "Part D".
	(4)  On page 14, lines 9 and 10,  strike "Sections 
1D.01-1E.02" and substitute "Part D".