Amend Amendment No. 51 to CSHB 3 by Chisum as follows:                       

(1)  On page 1, strike lines 2 and 3.
	(2)  On page 1, line 4, strike (2).                                            
	(3)  On page 1, between lines 13 and 14, insert the 
	(b)  Before September 1 of each year, the comptroller shall:            
		(1)  determine the amount of exemplary damages that 
were paid to the comptroller under Subsection (a) during the 
previous calendar year; and
		(2)  by rule reduce the tax rate that would otherwise 
apply under Section 151.051(b), Tax Code, during the state fiscal 
year that begins on September 1 of the year in which the 
determination under Subdivision (1) is made by an amount that will 
result in the sum of the estimated amount of revenue that will be 
collected under this section and under Chapter 151, Tax Code, 
during the state fiscal year beginning September 1 equaling the 
estimated amount of revenue that would otherwise be collected at 
the tax rate prescribed by Section 151.051(b).
	(c)  For purposes of Subsection (b)(2), the estimated amount 
of revenue that will be collected in a state fiscal year under this 
section is equal to the amount determined under Subsection (b)(1) 
before that state fiscal year begins.
	(4)  On page 1, line 14, strike "(b)" and substitute "(d)".