Amend CSHB 3 by striking SECTION 2.02 of the bill (Senate 
committee printing, page 3, lines 7 through 54) and substituting 
the following:
	SECTION 2.02.  Section 25.25(c), Tax Code, is amended to 
read as follows:    
	(c)  The appraisal review board, on motion of the chief 
appraiser or of a property owner, may direct by written order 
changes in the appraisal roll for any of the five preceding years if 
the property is real property and may direct by written order 
changes in the appraisal roll for either or both of the two 
preceding years if the property is personal property to correct:
		(1)  clerical errors that affect a property owner's 
liability for a tax imposed in that tax year;
		(2)  multiple appraisals of a property in that tax 
year; or                 
		(3)  the inclusion of property that does not exist in 
the form or at the location described in the appraisal roll.